Enumitem latex. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. Enumitem latex

TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systemsEnumitem latex I want to keep the default format of all lists

TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. 2 Answers. have you checked enumitem package? Welcome to TeX SX! egin {enumerate} [label=Step Roman*] with package enumitem will do the tricks. Sorted by: 4. 标签样式. If you increase the widest you increase the space between the "anchor point" of the label (try changing it to e. 2cm] {geometry} \usepackage {enumitem. I'm trying to create an enumerated list, where each list element is multi-lined. The solution also employs the machinery of the amsthm package to streamline the definition of the problem environment. I use the enumitem package to create lists of questions with space automatically left for answers. Similarly, there is the rightmargin option, which is used when page’s alignment is right. The nosep option, used as in. Also consider package paralist which adds the possibility of having in-line enumeration. The above MWE provides itemize* that takes a single optional argument (<num>), setting a "list" inline (like enumitem 's [inline] option). And Don’t forget to include the enumitem package otherwise the command will not work. The rest are those in standard LATEX. (For example, it’s a bit tricky to obtain enumerations with _bold_ letters: (a), (b) etc with the enumerate package – try it! With enumitem, it’s much easier. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. Oct 11, 2015 at 15:30. In the first try, the case didn't increase from. 4 Answers. The {enumerate} environment will do the rest for you. (and similarly for enumerate) removes vertical spaces in the list. When creating cross-references to items in roman. ",. Sorted by: 1. end{enumerate} I tried this with enumitem but it didn't work. Here is a method that wraps each matrix in a minipage and the resume feature of the enumitem package: If you wish to align the labels with the top,. Yes but I want to change the color for all list levels without affecting other list features. Try customizing the list environment by providing appropriate values for leftmargin, and itemindent. Here's a solution that doesn't require loading a separate package (such as enumerate or enumitem ): Just issue the command. answered Mar 18, 2020 at 9:37. So this will do the job:A code with enumitem: I define a steps environment: documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} ewlist{steps}{enumerate}{1} setlist[steps, 1]{label = Step arabic*:} egin{document} egin{steps} item first thing to do item Second thing to do item Third thing to do end{steps} end{document}. ] Zero item One item Two end {enumerate} NB The OP is aware of this solution ("I know item [ (0)] will work") and is looking for an automatic implementation of the zero-based counting. With the default article class only a handful of normal sizes are defined. To begin with, I had to employ some trickery to not have enumtitle overwrite the selected slide style. Here's how to do (something like) what it is I think you want: \usepackage{enumitem} \setlist{nolistsep} or \usepackage{enumitem} \setlist{nosep} enumerate is quite old and you should probably use enumitem but you can use enumerate but you are misusing it \begin {enumerate} [ (b)] should be \begin {enumerate} [ (a)]\setcounter {enumii} {2} Only a is a special value to set the counter format you can not use b to set the start value. 26. The following sets indentation for the first four levels of nested lists as well as explicitly. The starred form setlist* adds the settings to previous ones. Solo tenemos que crear el entorno e indicar cada elemento de una lista con el comando \item. enumitem documentation. Note that labels are right-aligned in such environments. documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{enumerate}[label=(alph*)] item The first item egin{enumerate}[label*=arabic*. When you create a new list using enumitem, it creates a set of counters for that list depending on the number of levels you choose. LaTeX LATEX における, enumerate, itemize, description といった箇条書きの環境について,その使い方を徹底的に解説しましょう。. usepackage{enumitem} usepackage{blindtext} egin{document} lindtext egin{enumerate}[label=Counter arabic*] item lindtext item lindtext. But, when the custom settings are needed again, you will have to re-issue your three custom settings and so on. For instance, this first level list will be labelled with uppercase letters, in boldface, and without a trailing period. Enumitem 3. ) This can only work together with enumitem, if. )Whenever you're customizing a list, the enumitem is your best friend. That behavior is part of how enumerate sets things up: take or leave. The rest are those in standard LATEX. So, if you set label=(alph*), enumitem will measure the width of (m) and set labelwidth to. With enumitem: documentclass[]{article} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{enumerate}[label=1. This requires to know how to work with the LaTeX list environment. Redefining item can be. 2 Answers. ここで紹介する enumitem を使うと,これら3つの標準. The enumitem package is the recommended method for modifying standard LaTeX lists or creating your own custom list formats. By the way, labeling theorems with their number is not a good idea; use descriptive names instead. It only takes a minute to sign up. \end{enumerate} \end{document} 4 Answers. enumitem パッケージは,3つの基本的なリスト環境(enumerate、itemize、およびdescription)の. r. I was able to solve the problem with enumitem package. ]. Thus, since A is wider than B, the left side of your alpha labels will not be exactly aligned. The package’s prime purpose is to. end{itemize} I want to continue the pararaph, and. El funcionamiento de estos dos comandos es muy simple. Defaults lists in LaTeX are managed as lists, where each item is either numbered (in enumerate) or bulleted (in itemize). g. Either insert a blank line or use par: documentclass {article} usepackage {enumitem} egin {document} egin {itemize} [leftmargin = *,listparindent =1cm] item A. If you want a particular item completely on one page, you could use the resume feature from the enumitem package. You can continue with: \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*(b), resume*=l_after] % or [label=\arabic*(b), l_after] \item A \item B \end{enumerate} You get: 3(b) 4(b). It only takes a minute to sign up. I am sure one of packages mentionion by Christian Hupfer would do a much better job, but here is a quick solution to your specific problem. item [$square$] This will give a hollow square bullet. I would use enumitem (and not intermix it with using the enumerate package ): documentclass {article} usepackage {enumitem,amssymb} ewlist {todolist} {itemize} {2} setlist [todolist] {label=$square$} egin {document} My ToDo list egin {itemize} item Immediate plan of action. enumerate labels are right aligned. 3. i. I am not sure whether this is, what you want to achieve, but you can explicitly set the label of an item. ] item some egin. As you can see, you can control the indentation value by specifying an option [leftmargin=<length>]. Something like the following (untested, values may actually differ since I don’t know what reference point is used): ewenvironment {noindlist} {egin {list} {labelitemi} {leftmargin=0em itemindent=0em}} {end {list}} Share. 75cm away from the left margin. 6. Sorted by: 2. the text just states a math problem, which I have to rewrite in my homework. However, My problem turns out to be more complicated. As mentioned by cfr, one shouldn't load two packages which. Set defaults with setlist[ names , levels ]{ keys/values } to inherit existing (theme?) attributes or setlist*[ names , levels ]{ keys/values } to fully reset. To make a really compact list, enumitem provides an option nosep which removes all spacing before and after the list as well as between the items. t. use resume*, a bit anoying yes, it has something to do with backwards compatibility with earlier enumitem versions. Note that this is a bit hackish, but it works. 25in, right=1. In the code below, assume that the custom list test is defined in the package, i. The rest are those in standard LATEX. before= {egin {minipage} [t] {hsize}}, after = {end {minipage}} to the list of options that go with. 1. The trade-off is that it requires an additional compilation run because widths measured during one run will only. That behavior is part of how enumerate sets things up: take or leave. Here's the dependencies between the relevant horizontal parameters: leftmargin + itemindent = labelindent + labelwidth + labelsep. The enumitem package is the recommended method for modifying standard LaTeX lists or creating your own custom list formats. I believe the solution is somewhere in the enumitem package but I can't figure it out. The enumitem package provides just the kind of commands that can help. Well, I used to use the enumerate package too – but only until I found out about another one, called enumitem. Add a comment. With ewlist you can define you own list and via setlist set the settings. You need to take into account that egin{environment} may have one optional argument. The solution to one of my questions is to include this code before the list: \renewcommand {\labelenumi} {\arabic {enumi}. egin{enumerate}[label=protectcircled{arabic*}] item First item item Second item item Third item item Fourth item end{enumerate}I'm trying to typeset a numbered list in which I'm overriding the default enumerate behaviour using enumitem so that there's text in addition to a number. \itemindent: extra indentation added right BEFORE an item label. I'm currently trying to customize a ennumerate list with enumitem and i got really far. It can say a lot about what the problem is. \documentclass {article} \usepackage {lipsum} % for dummy text \usepackage {enumitem} \setlist {nosep} % or \setlist {noitemsep} to leave space around whole list \begin {document} \lipsum [1] \begin {enumerate} \item foo \item bar \end {enumerate} \lipsum [2] \end {document. Indeed source2e says: leftmargin: space between left margin of enclosing environment (or of page if top level list) and left margin of this list. } egin{document} egin{legal} item First item. 6, it offers a key called left, with which one can set two tabstops one for the start of label and another for the start of the text. This is how it looks for me: This is the code to reproduce: documentclass [letterpaper, 12pt] {article} usepackage [utf8] {inputenc} usepackage [margin=1. Hot Network QuestionsHere labelindent is a new parameter introduced by enumitem, described below. To achieve a) b) c) just start your enumeration with \begin {enumerate} [a)] (or \begin {inparaenum} [a)] ). See the enumitem documentation. , they set @itempenalty to -51 and hereby encourage page breaks between list items. It only takes a minute to sign up. This is what I used to get a compact list: \usepackage {enumitem} \setlist {topsep=0pt, leftmargin=*} Then use \begin {itemize} as usual to start a list. The page for each package has a link to the package documentation, so you can see its capabilities. One option is to manually make the text you want bold. Enumitem also permits manipulation of the label format in a more “basic” (and therefore more flexible) manner than the enumerate package does. So far, everything works, but I realized, that a proper indentation of new list levels is missing. end {document} I hat to do setcounter {enumi} {value {theenumTemp}} or I would. I've tried using subitem, and nesting enumerate, but it won't look right. First, load the package: usepackage {enumitem} Then, for instance, if you like to set both left margin and item indentation to 10pt, for the first level (0): setitemize [0] {leftmargin=10pt,itemindent=10pt} For example, if the bulletpoints shall align with the left margin of the text, use. 3. The easy way is part of the paralist package (see page 3 of the manual). \item [$\square$] This will give a hollow square bullet. but this simply generated a list with no numbering. {enumitem} egin{document} egin{enumerate}[label=emph{alph*}] %Your options go in the label= tag item I'm first item I'm second egin{enumerate}[label= extbf{Roman*}]. The following MWE illustrates this. Follow edited Aug 5, 2019 at 20:47. and longer has some explaining text inbetween 3. More text. 5parindent, itemindent=0pt, leftmargin=*, listparindent=-leftmargin (the * should serve to calculate the value of leftmargin from the other parameters and the automatically computed label width). Para crear listas y enumeraciones en LaTeX tenemos los comandos itemize y enumerate. When using enumitem this needs special handling. I am not sure whether this is, what you want to achieve, but you can explicitly set the label of an item. e. For instance, see the code below, which is slightly different version of yours documentclass{article} usepackage[inline]{enumitem} egin{document} I like. It only takes a minute to sign up. 2 of enumitem used a different way to setup the standard lists; for your needs it should be. If you just want to change it for the outer environment in a nested situation, just add a 1, like setlist [enumerate, 1] {label=color {red}arabic*. You can use the widthof{} from the calc package to compute the correct width for the labelwidth on a per description list to obtain:. It only takes a minute to sign up. The accepted answer is not up to date as mentioned in the comments. The package enumitem is useful for customizing lists. define new counter. 调整 LaTeX 中的列表环境时,使用 enumitem 宏包可以方便的调整间距。. 9 2019-06-20 - \DrawEnumitemLabel rewritten 3. enum. So despite latex's protestations, it does seem to be setting the counter right in the first enumerate (though in fact it should be (b), since I haven't decremented the counter by one; and it also prints out extra (a)'s). The enumerate Package wants you to put those brackets into a group. Add a comment. To change the format of the label use enewcommand (see ewcommand & enewcommand) on the commands labelenumi through labelenumiv. setenumerate {label= ( oman*),itemsep=3pt,topsep=3pt} If you downloaded the last version, you probably haven't put it in a place where the TeX system can find it and it uses the default one; I guess you installed the TeX distribution with. Jan 13, 2013 at 7:42. Hi everyone, I am trying to use the enumitem package in LaTeX but it is causing a serious problem - if I import it, it seems to break the compilation and it just. enewcommand {@listI} { leftmargin=5mm labelsep=5mm itemindent=0mm listparindent=3mm} it will not work in standard LaTeX classes. The exercises include questions interspersed lengthy passages of text. 1 Answer. レイアウトをユーザーが制御できるようにします.. Load package enumitem and add to your preamble: setlist [enumerate] {itemsep=0pt} or even. I have the latest version of the enumitem package and I'm trying to use different labels for enumerate lists which are set as normal lists and enumerate lists which are set inline. In the setlist should be declared length units, for example: For reducing vertical space between itemize and text in the row before it, you can insert vspace {-aselineskip} start with itemize in above row: usepackage {enumitem} setlist [itemize] {topsep=3pt, parsep=0pt, leftmargin=1em} egin {document} egin {longtable} {lp. enumitem provides a wealth of features so we can’t cover all of them but we can provide a few basic examples to help get you get started. The enumitem package has an inline option which implements inline versions of the standard lists using starred versions of the basic list environments. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. How to adjust list spacing. If you must use enumerate, you can start the optional argument of the enumerated list with an hspace to push the whole list farther to the right: documentclass[leqno]{article} usepackage{amsmath,enumerate} egin{document} Some text before the list. The enumitem package supersedes—it provides the same facilities in a well-structured way. For example, you can produce. I'm trying to configure aligning of lists and sublists using enumitem. Now in standard LaTeX leftmargin is meant to be positive. Must be nonnegative. Note the spacing in the paralist and enumitem examples is different, as there are some slightly different package defaults. enumitem packages have many options for completing the same task. setlist [enumerate,1] {label= { (arabic*)}} will use (1) for the first level, oman* will change to (i) etc. With the enumerate package, I was able to do egin{enumerate}[{Case} :1] item something. I used itemize code as follows: egin {itemize} item item item end {itemize}, and the assoicated results are displayed as: But I want no left indentation about the round point mark. Ideally the bullets would be one indent to the left (if that makes any sense). documentclass {article} usepackage {lipsum} % for dummy text usepackage {enumitem} setlist {nosep} % or setlist {noitemsep} to leave space around whole list egin {document} lipsum [1] egin {enumerate} item foo item bar end {enumerate} lipsum [2] end. If you use the enumitem package, you can easily change the style of the counters. There are two different solutions, one local and one global, using the enumitem package. item extbf {gen} item extbf {assets} item extbf {bin} end {itemize} Furthermore, another option which gives you a new environment for bold prefixes ( bolditemize ), while keeping the bulleted. \begin {itemize} \vspace {-0. Must be nonnegative. Sure you need to add usepackage. ) 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. Here labelindent is a new parameter introduced by enumitem, described below. The enumitem package is the key for easy customization of itemize/enumerate lists. item Second item. Share. This is a good thing. 1. – egreg. Specific enumeration style in Latex. I also could just type S. {enumerate} then naturally LaTeX will. That is if you want the entire enumerated list on one page. The settings are persistent after a setlist has been. | % +-----+ % % Copyright (c) 2003-2011 by Javier Bezos. Sorted by: 42. If you want to make a global setting to your list (rather than the optional argument on a per-list basis), you can use. enumerate is quite old and you should probably use enumitem but you can use enumerate but you are misusing it egin {enumerate} [ (b)] should be egin {enumerate} [ (a)]setcounter {enumii} {2} Only a is a special value to set the counter format you can not use b to set the start value. egin{legal} item First subitem. enumitem provides a wealth of features so we can’t cover all of them but we can provide a few basic examples to help get you get started. Note: the later one changes the indent. beamer offers some predefined symbols ( triangle, square, ball and circle) but you can of course also use a different symbol of your own choice. The command ewlist in combination with setlist are the relavant commands. to set spacing between items and between paragraphs within items. If you want the number to be bold, you can do it by using the enumitem package and setting: egin {enumerate} [label= extbf {arabic*})] item The firs item item The second item end {enumerate} Check the enumitem package documentation for more info. egin{itemize}[topsep=0pt] item Item 1 item Item 2 end{itemize} I don't like the lack of vertical space between the end of the previous list and the. . egin {enumerate} item [0. Resume bullet point incorrectly aligned in between two lines. Sorted by: 340. 0. These may be redefined with the enewcommand command. If you just want to alter attributes of the default lists, you can instead specify enumerate, for example. – TH. Choose the indentation of the whole list by the value of the key labelindent, e. The optional argument of enumitem can be used with label= {large extbullet}, but this will not produce the best result always, perhaps, tiny bullets may have to be raised a little bit. 1. egin {itemize} setlengthitemsep {1em} item one item two item three end {itemize} Don't do that. The package adds an optional argument to the enumerate environment which determines the style in which the counter is printed. To subdivide longer proofs of theorems, I use two list environments defined using enumitem: pfsteps for numbered steps and pfparts for labeled parts. @JairoADelRio what if I already have. It supersedes both enumerate and mdwlist (providing well-structured replacements for all their funtionality), and in addition provides functions to compute. ref=\alph* I was able to solve the problem with enumitem package. I already used: the solution proposed here: itemize, removing natural indent. This package provides user control over the layout of the three basic list environments: enumerate,. A nested list behaves actually the same. The label options of the enumerate environment can be set inside the theorem environment right at its start with AtBeginEnvironment from etoolbox and setlist [enumerate]. begin {itemize} itemsep -5pt item foo item bar end {itemize} and that will only affect the current list. TeXnicCenter is just the editor, and doesn't really have. I also tried label = {Case} : 1 and label = {Case :} as optional arguments. I agree that case of long lists general solution like enumitem are better. 1 Answer. item Some text that goes onto. Actually, the layout is more complex because the label box (ie, labelwidth) could stick into the margin, which means labelindent takes a negative value. Please note that enumitem takes care of the correct value, i. LaTeX. You just have to put this setlist [itemize] {leftmargin=*} in the preamble. I recommend to use the enumitem package which offers a lot of features for customizing lists - both fine tuning and also consistent list adjustment. As I mentioned in my comment, it is enough to change the font siize in the environment with the before key, and set the label font with the font key. . 更新版:2017/04/15 (旧題:enumitem. If to write something like. After <num> entries, a paragraph break par is inserted. Lists can be nested and will be aligned and enumerated properly. You can use leftmargin=* locally, \begin {itemize} [leftmargin=*] \item one \item two \item three \end {itemize} or else you use. These are the counters that you need to tell cleveref to use:TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. % +-----+ % | Typeset enumitem. I know about {setlengthitemindent{25pt} item Text}, but this fail when the content of the item breaks into a new line:. :) See What is the difference between Fragile and Robust commands? for some explanation. Jul 31, 2019 at 14:51. It only takes a minute to sign up. } etc. Enumerate items with respect to chapters. Use default overlays of lists locally (parameter [<+->]) I use enumitem for 1. Thank you for your help! I'd suggest you use the enumitem package. Note that none of the package inclusions are needed to make this method work. Add a options for the font used in the labels and the font used for the list of a whole which, in effect, means the item bodies since the font for the labels overrides the list-wide settings. Section 2. Hi. It seems to be a general theme from Does enumitem conflict with beamer for lists that you need to use setlist to get beamer and enumitem to play well together. Because you already use enumitem you can use a third version: Version 3: egin{enumerate}[listparindent=enumerateparindent] % <===== item% lindtext lindtext end{enumerate} Here listparindent is. (To make the scope of enewcommandlabelenumi { ( heenumi)} global, place the instruction in the preamble. To get enumerated and itemized lists that have the same amounts of left-hand and right-hand indentation, I'd recommend using the enumitem package -- which provides many extensions to and improvements over LaTeX's list environments -- and its leftmargin and rightmargin options. For instance, this first level list. g. Depending on how much "non-sequential" your numbers are, and how much you need a quick & dirty solution instead of something with polish and automatism, you might get along with addtocounter and some ad-hoc-ery involving the enumitem package: documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document}. レイアウトをユーザーが制御できるようにします.. in the label option of the enumerate environment. I'm sure I've seen a nice way to interrupt and resume lists in this way (without explicitly setting some counter), but I can't reproduce it. Local: Every time you want an individual enumerate environment with bold numbers/letters/numerals (whatever. I agree that case of long lists general solution like enumitem are better. The enumitem package is the recommended method for modifying standard LaTeX lists or creating your own custom list formats. documentclass {article} usepackage {enumerate} egin {document} egin {enumerate} [ { [}1 {]} ] item first item second end {enumerate} end {document. I would like itemize with no indent in a IEEE two columns paper. sty manually and place it into your project's folder. Follow. 2cm}\item Second Line \end {itemize} the ~ is needed because space at the end of the page might won't show. . TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. You can also edit them for testing, and compile again. My goal is to label each item as Case: 1, Case: 2, etc. \item text2\label {itm:2}. So, to undo the three settings you made, you can add this: setlist [enumerate,1] {}% setlist [enumerate,2] {}% setlist [enumerate,3] {}%. 4. Package enumitem provides you a simple interface to customize the appearance of lists. For changing the default settings, you can either supply an updated label to the itemize environment, or create your own using ewlist together with setlist:The enumitem package is my favourite way to do this sort of thing; it has many options and parameters that can be varied,. 1. end{enumerate} Text. documentclass [12pt] {article} %% (I've simplified the. If you use the enumitem package you can easily reset the label via [label=$star$] option. bold, italic, enumerations,. documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{itemize}. In this case, \documentclass {beamer} \usepackage {enumitem} \setlist [itemize] {noitemsep, nolistsep} \begin {document} \begin {frame} \begin {itemize} \item Item 1 \item. the counter formatting macro for the current level of enumeration. 2 Answers. For an example, you may want to. The standard repository of LaTeX (and other TeX-related) packages is CTAN, the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network. If you place it in the preamble it applies to all itemize lists of the corresponding level. g. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. enumitem パッケージは,3つの基本的なリスト環境(enumerate、itemize、およびdescription)の. For example, with setlist[enumerate]{leftmargin=10mm, label=alph*)}. documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{enumerate}[start=3] item Third item egin{enumerate}[start=4,label*={arabic*}]. I have a package which creates some lists using enumitem. However, when I use the parskip package, the behaviour changes dramatically. These item. Presumably you expected the label to start left aligned at the indentation but that's not how list labels are usually set. You can do this in several ways: for example, by using an empty optional argument for item (as Jake suggested), or by using the enumitem package to use an empty label, or by redefining labelitemi; these approaches are illustrated in the following example: documentclass {article} usepackage {enumitem} egin {document} egin. and. e. egin {enumerate} [label*=arabic*. Sorted by: 7. @user94293 Thanks for pointing this out. 3. The rest are those in standard LATEX. This doesn't seem to work properly if the environment is itself within an itemize environment. Text between items of enumerate without using enumitem. arabic*] item foo item bar end{enumerate} end{document}I am using enumitem to create a list. enumitem-zref Extendedreferencestoitemsforenumitempackage 2UserInterface 2. A better approach is to "fix" the labeling once and forall so that the referencing works as expected when the enumerate environment is used in the "normal" way: \begin {enumerate} \item text1\label {itm:1}. All enumitem label possibilities such as Alph*, arabic* use the star to indicate, that the command Alph{enum. Note: I remove [label=(\alph*)] and [resume*], this all works perfectly. For enumerate and itemize lists, any label argument is ignored and therefore you should not use an arbitrarily specified label with those sorts of list. That means that if they get longer they stick out to the left. Sorted by: 7. documentclass {article} usepackage [inline] {enumitem. That way, changeitem will operate each time on the standard LaTeX item. parsep controls the amount of space between paragraphs, itemsep that between items: see other page on this site. enumitem – Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description. diazdeus Posts: 32 Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:34 pm. to your header-includes block. Except for cases when a list breaks across a page. Learn how to use the enumerate and. enumitem | Indentation for whole Item in an enumerated List. Here is the code: documentclass {article} usepackage {enumitem} egin {document} section {Introduction} Lists: egin {itemize} [align=left, labelindent=0em, leftmargin=0em, itemindent=!, nosep, noitemsep] item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.